Friday, December 18, 2009

Recipies - a meal for my soul

SJOE! I had some visitors tonight and BOY! – did I enjoy being with them! Talking, laughing and just enjoying each other’s company. It is so powerful what God’s Word says: For the Holy Spirit, God’s gift, does not want you to be afraid of people, but to be wise and strong, and to love them and enjoy being with them (2 Tim 1:7).

I love people – I love being with them. I might not be the world’s best hostess, slaving away in the kitchen, but I’m good at enjoying my guests. I love the fellowship, interacting, catching up, laughing together, etc. I can always learn about being better in the kitchen, but no stove can fully prepare a meal for the soul. I don’t want people to merely leave with a full tummy, but a full heart! They must feel blessed for having visited, and I must feel blessed for having had them over.

The recipe for human fulfillment is not found in any recipe book. It is in love and loving! It is true what Jesus says that it is more blessed to give than to receive. I feel emotionally satisfied for having been able to enjoy my guests.

I really love people. It makes my heart beat faster to make a difference. It makes me realize that I’ve been given A LOT! I love to see someone’s face light up whenever something that God’s given me overflows to touch the heart of another. WOW! It reminds me of what life is really about. It reminds me how we were indeed created in God’s image. He IS love and created us for relationship.
Isn’t God amazing!

I think a teachable spirit is of immeasurable value to God – Lord, never let me stop learning – teach me Your perspective of what is really important, and help me to use whatever you bless me with as a means to fulfill a purpose with eternal value: I want to touch people’s lives for Your glory!

My guests have gone, and I feel like I’ve had a huge steak; a meal fit for a king... yet we only had coffee, laughter and chat!

I feel like I have a reason to live again. Someone (by my understanding) insinuated that I don’t have ambition. It made me feel very low – I most certainly disagree! Tonight I got a renewed glimpse of myself – my heart beat faster and I loved every moment! I feel elated - I feel alive!

I was reminded again that I’ve got a lot to offer! I'm fulfilled whenever I get to share it with others. I’m definitely going to bed satisfied and grateful!

I HAVE been given A LOT! Thank you, Lord!

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