I was up at 5 this morning. I just couldn’t manage to fall asleep again.
I spent some time with God and then decided to go for a ride on my bike – I rode 25k’s – quite the achievement for me – I usually ride for an hour and do an average of 15 odd kilometers. It was refreshing being out with my bike that early this morning. I don’t usually do mornings (ha-ha).
In some ways I feel pregnant with the expectation of what this day holds. I hope for good things. However, there is a small part of me that is afraid to be disappointed. What if today delivers nothing spectacular? I suppose this is when one say, “this is the day that the Lord has made; I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!” Just like loving is a choice, we also choose how happy we are.
This morning my heart is grateful that I have legs to peddle my bike, eyes to see the earth move underneath me, that I can smell the fresh air, feel the sun on my face and the cool breeze on my skin. My heart beats spontaneously, pumping the blood through my veins and my lungs don’t ask permission to breath. My hands control the steering and the breaks without even thinking twice and my ears behold a symphony of early morning bird song! I am healthy and every muscle and sense functions perfectly. How wonderfully I was made!! I have much to be grateful for!
Many things are nice to have, but it is often in the wonder of the simple moments and things that we share that we discover the treasures of most worth!
I choose to go into this day with expectation. God’s Word says that His eyes search the earth to find someone on whose behalf He can show himself strong (2 Chron 16:9). Lord, CHOOSE ME TODAY!!
Lead me where you want me to be, when you want me to be there. Give me unmerited favour and work on my behalf.
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