Does this mean that we are not supposed to be afraid; to not feel fear? I don’t think so. We are human and we were created with emotions, and I believe that they serve a purpose too, but we are to be master over our emotions instead of being controlled by it.
I believe God is saying, “Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged” and here’s why – I am the Lord your God – I am with you – I will help you (not maybe – WILL) – wherever you go (there is nowhere where He cannot get to you).
We are to feed our faith and starve our fear. I read once that courage is feeling the fear and doing it anyway! To face our fears is the only way for us to overcome it. I’ve always remembered someone describing fear as (F)alse (E)vidence (A)ppearing (R)eal. On the other side of our fear we will find the liberty instead to be all that God has destined for us to be. However, the first step of believing what God says is up to us if we are to ever discover the wonderful things that are in store for us.
So the next time you feel fear you need to remind yourself of His promise and then make up your mind to be courageous and have faith that all will be well because He always does what He says.
*The picture is from MS Word Clipart
1 comment:
Thank you, bless you, Lee :)
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